I am liminal

We exist as Women in liminal spaces. Between roles. Sat in my car, I am liminal. I get to just be. Arriving home, the seat in my car provides a container. Not where I was, not yet assuming the mother role inside my home. I ruminate, ponder imagine possibilities right there. Free of responsibilities I reclaim my identity, not belonging to anyone or anything. 

Take a seat, feel into the liminal space. Write, draw imagine add to the wall.

I am liminal is an interactive installation work with a wall poem, 1992 Toyota 4Runner Drivers Seat, Pens, Paper & Tape.

Gallery visitors are invited to sit in liminal space, read the poem and respond. The responses created will be worked into a future piece. This artwork was first presented as part of β€œThe Mother (Load)” members exhibition at Lake Country Public art gallery. in March 2023


I am liminal

Held, open, still,

Not where I was,

Not where I will be,

Sink, melt inside,

I am liminal.


Allow, nurture, flow,

Make room,

Lost in imagining,

Hold, time precious,

I am liminal.


Possible, impossible, onward,

Space contracts,

Glimpse the outer edges,

Pull, pulling back,

I am liminal